來源:網絡資源 2018-10-21 22:14:32
。1)時間上 earlier in time
eg: Please come back before 10:00pm.
。2)空間上earlier in position
eg: Don't put the cart before the horse.
(3)順序上earlier in order or arrangement
eg: Health should come before wealth.
。3) 當(某人)面 in the presence of sb
eg : She charged him of murder before the jury.
(1)ask sb (before court) 將某人送上法庭
。2)A come (before B ) A在B之上,比B更重要
。3)complain (before sb) 在某人面前控訴
。4)go (before sb ) 出現(xiàn)在某人面前
。5)put/set A before B 把A看的比B重要
。6)stand (before sb/sth ) 站立在…前面
(7)take A before B 將A送去見B
。8)carry the world (before one) 一舉大獲成功
。9)cast pearls (before swine) 對牛彈琴
(10)put the cart (before the horse) 本末倒置
。11)sweep all (before one) 獲得徹底的勝利
二、名詞+(before +名詞)
(1)(before day) 破曉前
。2)(before long) 不久
(3)(before one's eyes) 當著某人的面
。4)(before one's time ) 在時代前面
。5)(before the mast) 充當水手
(6)(before time) 提前
。7)(before the wind ) 順風
(8)(before the world) 在眾人面前
。9)(before all) 尤其
。10)(the day before yesterday) 前天
。11)(before and after ) 前后
三、be+adj+(before +名詞)
。1)be (brought before the bench) 被帶到法庭受審
be + hide "在…之后"
。1)空間上,在…后面 at the back of sb/sth
eg: A dog is running behind us.
(2)是產生…的原因 responsible for stating or developing sth
eg: There must be someone behind it.
What's behind that happy smile?
。3)時間上,在之后 sth is in the past
eg: New York is 12 hours behind Beijing in time.
(4)能力上,在之后 making less progress than sb./sth
eg: He's behind the rest of others in reading.
。5)在背后支持、贊成 giving approval of sth
eg : My mother is always behind me whatever decision I make.
(1)fall/ lag( behind sb/sth) 落在…后面
。2)go ( behind sth) 進一步斟酌…
。3)leave (behind sth/sb) 忘帶,留下某物;超越某人
(4)put sth( behind one) 不再把某事(尤其過去不愉快的事)放在心上
。5)trail (behind sb) 無精打采地跟在…后面走
二、名詞+(動詞+behind) 注:此處的behind是副詞
。1)sb (stay/ remain behind) 某人(在他人走后)逗留,留下
。2)sb (wait behind) 某人(在別人走后)留下
三、behind +名詞
(1)behind bars 在獄中
。2)behind sb's back 背后
。3)behind the schedule/time 晚點、推遲
。4)behind the times 過時、落伍
be+side "在…邊上"
。1)在...旁邊 next to…; by the side of…
eg: a town beside the sea
She sat beside the teacher.
。2)與...相比 compared with
eg: My work is so poor beside yours.
(1)(beside oneself) 高興的不得了
。2)beside the point 離題,不中肯;與…無關
beside+s"除…外,還有…"in addition to sb/sth
eg: There were 2 other students in the classroom besides Tom.
eg: We have a lot in common besides music.
Besides working as a doctor, he also writes a lot of stories.
。1) 空間、時間、順序、等級上,在兩者之間
in the middle of two things in terms of space, time, order,class etc.
eg: Between two strange buildings stands a tree.
His age is between sixty and seventy.
。2)表示兩者之間的某種關系 to show a connection or relationship
eg: He has to decide between life and death.
There is a great difference between the two articles.
You should learn between lines(字里行間).
(3)合用、共享 shared by two or more people or things
eg : This is a secret between you and me. (僅在我們倆之間).
We drank a bottle of wine between us.
。1)come ( between sth) 離間,分開…
(2)differentiate/discriminate/distinguish (between sth) 區(qū)分, 區(qū)別…
。3)divide sth (between sb) 把某物在某些人中分配
(4)draw a clear dividing line (between sth) 明顯區(qū)分…
。5)fluctuate (between A and B) (價格、數量)在A與B之間波動
(6)go (between sb) 在某些人中間調停
。7)insert A (between B) 插入A在B中
(8)intervene (between sb) 介入某些人,在中間調停
(9)make a difference(between sb/sth) 區(qū)別…
。10)mediate (between sb) 在…中間調解,斡旋
。11)read (between lines) 讀出字里行間的言外之意
。12)stand (between sth/sb) 阻礙…
(1)balance (between A and B) A 和B的均衡
。2)connection (between sth/sb) 某人或某物之間的聯(lián)系
(3)correspondence (between sth) 某物之間的一致性/ 相似性
。4)intermediate (between A and B) 介于A和B之間的中間物
。5)interplay (between A and B) A 與B的相互影響
。1) 在…較遠的一邊 on the further side of sth
eg: The village is beyond the mountain.
。2) 時間上晚于… later than a particular time
eg: It won't go on beyond midnight.
。3) 超出某人的能力范圍,非…所及 far too advanced for sb
eg: The bag is beyond my reach.
。4) 表示…是不可能的 to say that sth is impossible
eg: The bicycle is beyond repair.
(1)beyond one's ability/strength/power 超越某人的能力
。2)beyond belief 難以置信
(3)beyond comparison 無法比喻
。4)beyond cure 無可救藥
。5)beyond control 無法控制
。6)beyond dispute 無可爭辯
(7)beyond doubt 不容置疑
。8)beyond one's wildest dreams 做夢也想不到
。9)beyond one's endurance 無法忍受
(10)beyond expression 無法表達
。11)beyond hope 毫無希望
(12)beyond imagination 超出想象
。13)beyond measure 無法估量
。14)beyond number 多得數不清
(15)beyond praise 贊美不完,稱贊不絕
。16)beyond price 極其珍貴,無價的
(17)beyond question 無疑
。18)beyond redemption 萬劫不復;不可救藥
。19)beyond one's reach 在某人夠不著的地方
。20)beyond reason 不合理
。21)beyond recognition 難以認出
。22)beyond repair 無法修復
(23)beyond reproach 無可指責
。24)beyond the seas 到海外
(25)beyond suspicion 無可懷疑
。26)beyond thought 想象不到
(27)beyond understanding 難以理解
。28)beyond words 無法形容
。29)beyond oneself 精神錯亂; 忘形; 失態(tài)
(30)beyond sb 為某人所不能理解
。1)go (beyond sth) 超出..., 超過...
(2)live (beyond one's income) 入不敷出
。3)see (beyond sth) 預料...;預見...