本文題目:高三英語教案:單元知識考點導學案 英語頂尖學案:大綱版 Unit 15The necklace項鏈 核心詞匯 1.Time is so ____________(寶貴的)that we can t afford to waste it. 2.After years of hard work,the coup
本文題目:高三英語教案:Module 1Small Talk單元知識點 英語頂尖學案:外研版 Module 1Small Talk聊天 核心詞匯 1.The speaker r______________ to his past experience. 2.It is e____________ that the project w
本文題目:高三英語單元教案:項鏈教案 Unit 15The necklace項鏈 核心詞匯 1.Time is so ____________(寶貴的)that we can t afford to waste it. 2.After years of hard work,the couple paid off all their _____
本文題目:高三英語二單元教案:Robots教案 1、favour n. 根據(jù)語境猜詞義 (1)Thanks for looking after all my things I will return the favour sometime. (2)The idea may find favour with older people. 根據(jù)語
本文題目:高三英語教案:A healthy life教案 1、abuse v. 根據(jù)語境猜詞義 (1)We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. (2)All the children had been physically and emotionally abus
本文題目:高三英語四單元教案:Module 復習教案 知識詳解 ① opposevt.反對,阻礙;與 對抗 (回歸課本P53)...meaning we will oppose prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans. 它的
本文題目:高三英語復習教案:Poems復習教案 根據(jù)語境猜詞義 (1) You are looking at only one aspect of the problem. (2) They considered the plan in all its aspects. (3) The building has a southern aspect.