2016-02-24 10:52:59搜狐教育
administer動詞:給予,用(藥等)Do not administer a sedative to this patient, please!請不要給這個病人使用鎮(zhèn)靜劑。
approach動詞: 要求,交涉Will you be approaching the bank for a loan?你會向銀行要求貸款嗎?
article名詞:條款Article 1 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.憲法第一條保障宗教信仰自由。
aspect名詞:樣子,外表,面貌His face wears a melancholy aspect.他面帶憂傷。author名詞:創(chuàng)始人,發(fā)起者As the author of this plan, I am responsible for its any result.作為該計劃的倡導者,我要對它的任何后果負責。
avenue名詞:途徑,手段We explored every possible avenue, but couldn’t find an effective solution.我們探討了所有可能的途徑,但沒能找到有效的解決辦法。
average動詞:平均做,平均是I suppose I average about 2 apples and 3 cups of tea a day.我想我平均每天大約吃兩個蘋果,喝三杯茶。
barrel動詞:飛奔,高速行駛He barreled down the road at 100 miles an hour.他以每小時100 英里的速度在公路上疾駛。
bid名詞:努力She is making a desperate bid to free herself from a loveless marriage.她正作出不顧一切的努力去擺脫她那段沒有愛情的婚姻。
black1) 形容詞:沒有希望的,前景暗淡的Things were beginning to look pretty black for us.看來情況開始對我們有些不利。2) 形容詞:怒氣沖沖的The little girl knew not to irritate her daddy when he was in such a black mood.小女孩知道她的父親正在氣頭上,不該去惹他。3) 動詞:失去知覺,昏厥I completely blacked out after the car accident.車禍發(fā)生后,我完全失去了知覺。
blind名詞:百葉窗Jack, could you open the blind? I need some sunshine.杰克,能把百葉窗拉開嗎?我需要些陽光。
blood名詞:氣質,天性Lying runs in his blood.說謊是他的天性。
bow名詞:弓(形),蝴蝶結Wendy wears a big bow in her hair.溫蒂頭上戴著個大蝴蝶結。
breed名詞:品種,種類Poodles are my favorite breed of dog.貴婦狗是我最喜歡的一種狗。
brisk形容詞:興隆的Wish you a brisk business.祝你生意興隆。
book動詞 預訂飛機座位、機票、旅館房間Yesterday he booked a flight to Shanghai.昨天他訂購了到上海的機票。
cause名詞:事業(yè),事件,奮斗目標She has determined to make a lifelong devotion to the cause of women’s rights.她已經(jīng)決定畢生追求女權事業(yè)。
check名詞:方格圖案,格子織物My sister bought me a check skirt as my birthday gift.姐姐買了條格子裙給我作為我的生日禮物。
choice1) 上等的,精選的I found a choice collection of literature in the library.我在圖書館找到了一套精選的文學作品。2) 尖刻的,刻薄的話Mike got irritated, so he dismissed the objection in a few choice words.麥克怒了,他用幾句尖刻的話駁斥了反對意見。
climate名詞:風氣,社會思潮It is increasingly hard for those small businesses to survive in the present economic climate.那些小企業(yè)要在當前的經(jīng)濟形勢下生存是越發(fā)得困難了。
deliver動詞:接生On March 12, 1984, she was safely delivered of a son.在1984年3月12日,她平安地產(chǎn)下了一個兒子。
doctor動詞:竄改,對??做手腳。They were charged with doctoring the election results.他們因竄改選舉結果而受到控告。
distance動詞:冷淡,疏遠或與某人保持距離The politicians want to distance themselves from the controversial issues.政客們想要盡量遠離有爭議的問題。
effectively副詞:實際上,事實上Effectively, we have made every effort, but it has become impossible for us to help.事實上,我們已經(jīng)盡力了,但是我們已經(jīng)不可能幫上忙了。
embrace動詞:包含,涉及This course embraces three different aspects of accounting.這門課程包含會計學的三個不同方面。
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