2014-12-25 16:20:33留學網(wǎng)整理
詞義辨析—obviously, apparently, evidently
最近忙著改版《雅思詞匯精選》,要把劍6和機經(jīng)里的一些詞匯補充進去,于是這幾個禮拜又重新補起了詞匯的功課。平時一直鼓動大家把一些感覺不錯的詞放到像朗文、劍橋等國外出版的詞典里去確認一下exact meaning,盡量保證先正確的理解,再正確的使用,還要正確的發(fā)音,這次輪到我自己了,只不過每天100個詞的進度。在編寫新的詞條的時候,有些詞的確讓我吃驚不小,因為我以往的理解還是太多的受到了中文的影響,舉個例子,obvious, apparent, evident三個詞都是“明顯的”,而一旦變成副詞obviously, apprently, evidently區(qū)別就很大了,要謹慎使用。
Obviously——used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood.
Apparently——①used to say that you have heard that something is true, although you are not completely sure about it ② according to the way someone looks or a situation appears, although you cannot be sure.
Evidently——used to say that something is true because you can see that it is true.
從上面可以看出,Obviously是依然是最地道的“明顯”,跟形容詞形式意思一樣,evidently雖然也是這個意思,但《劍橋高級者詞典》指出此詞略微正式,與obvious相比,’it is usually better to choose the word obvious’,因此副詞也比較正式。
最麻煩的要數(shù)apparently,已經(jīng)跟apparent有較大區(qū)別了,里面包含著’you cannot be sure’的意思,所以中文的正確意思應該是“看似,據(jù)說”,這一點就連我認為國內(nèi)最棒的英漢詞典——陸谷孫老先生編的《英漢大辭典》里也找不到的。比如說劍3中Test 3 閱讀Passage 3 講環(huán)境和情緒的文章里有一句話,However, this apparently does not just depend on the temperature. 應該理解為“不過看來這不僅僅取決于氣溫”。還有同樣是劍3 Test 2聽力中的Section 3 講員工選拔中有一句話,The idea is actually quite old. Apparently they were used by the ancient Chinese for picking out clerks and civil servants. Apprently應該翻譯成“據(jù)說”。