2014-11-03 18:24:52U.S.NEWS
排名 | 學校名稱 | 學校英文名 | 學費 | 學生人數(shù) | 錄取率 | 新生保持率 | 六年畢業(yè)率 |
1 | 克雷頓大學 | Creighton University | $35,360 | 8,019 | 76.7% | 89% | 76% |
2 | 巴特勒大學 | Butler University | $35,652 | 4,902 | 66.1% | 90% | 74% |
3 | 德雷克大學 | Drake University | $32,246 | 5,139 | 66.0% | 87% | 73% |
4 | 布拉德利大學 | Bradley University | $30,844 | 5,459 | 66.9% | 87% | 76% |
5 | 瓦爾帕萊索大學 | Valparaiso University | $34,760 | 4,508 | 79.7% | 84% | 70% |
5 | 澤維爾大學 | Xavier University | $33,000 | 6,671 | 70.0% | 83% | 76% |
7 | 約翰卡洛爾大學 | John Carroll University | $35,800 | 3,723 | 83.3% | 88% | 75% |
8 | 特魯里大學 | Drury University | $23,885 | 1,993 | 73.1% | 83% | 64% |
9 | 杜魯門州立大學 | Truman State University | $13,438 | 6,225 | 72.2% | 87% | 72% |
9 | 埃文斯維爾大學 | University of Evansville | $31,776 | 2,630 | 84.1% | 84% | 63% |
11 | 艾姆赫斯特學院 | Elmhurst College | $33,950 | 3,210 | 71.8% | 78% | 74% |
12 | 哈姆林大學 | Hamline University | $36,260 | 4,581 | 65.6% | 81% | 66% |
13 | 圣凱瑟琳大學 | St. Catherine University | $34,280 | 5,017 | 58.5% | 83% | 61% |
14 | 鮑德溫華萊士大學 | Baldwin Wallace University | $28,814 | 4,053 | 64.0% | 81% | 71% |
14 | 密爾沃基工程學院 | Milwaukee School of Engineering | $35,520 | 2,658 | 68.4% | 80% | 56% |
14 | 中北學院 | North Central College | $34,230 | 3,048 | 63.7% | 80% | 64% |
14 | 羅克赫斯特大學 | Rockhurst University | $32,865 | 2,920 | 75.4% | 84% | 69% |
18 | 北愛荷華大學 | University of Northern Iowa | $17,647 | 12,159 | 83.4% | 82% | 66% |
19 | 多米尼加大學 | Dominican University | $29,770 | 3,470 | 60.0% | 82% | 63% |
20 | 田納西伯特利大學 | Bethel University | $32,990 | 5,331 | 94.9% | 85% | 71% |
20 | 凱特琳大學 | Kettering University | $35,600 | 1,985 | 65.0% | 91% | 61% |
20 | 奧特伯恩大學 | Otterbein University | $31,624 | 2,919 | 73.7% | 76% | 59% |
23 | 奧格斯堡學院 | Augsburg College | $33,209 | 3,556 | 73.6% | 81% | 64% |
23 | 圣思嘉學院 | College of St. Scholastica | $32,842 | 4,240 | 72.7% | 82% | 68% |
23 | 路易斯大學 | Lewis University | $27,830 | 6,525 | 55.9% | 81% | 63% |
26 | 大峽谷州立大學 | Grand Valley State University | $15,408 | 24,477 | 82.6% | 83% | 66% |
26 | 印第安納衛(wèi)斯理大學 | Indiana Wesleyan University | $24,102 | 3,018 | 96.7% | 75% | 71% |
26 | 印第安納波利斯大學 | University of Indianapolis | $25,414 | 5,444 | 81.5% | 74% | 57% |
26 | 韋伯斯特大學 | Webster University | $24,500 | 18,209 | 57.3% | 80% | 59% |
30 | 斯托本弗朗西斯科大學 | Franciscan University of Steubenville | $23,930 | 2,733 | 76.1% | 86% | 71% |
31 | 東伊利諾伊大學 | Eastern Illinois University | $28,088 | 9,775 | 61.9% | 79% | 60% |
31 | 威斯康辛大學拉克羅斯分校 | University of Wisconsin,La Crosse | $16,368 | 10,427 | 76.5% | 86% | 69% |
33 | 威斯康辛大學歐克萊爾分校 | University of Wisconsin,Eau Claire | $16,317 | 10,902 | 80.3% | 83% | 68% |
34 | 圣安布羅斯大學 | St. Ambrose University | $27,540 | 3,607 | 71.0% | 79% | 61% |
35 | 密歇根大學迪爾伯恩分校 | University of Michigan,Dearborn | $23,386 | 8,748 | 62.8% | 83% | 52% |
36 | 首都大學 | Capital University | $31,990 | 3,628 | 76.0% | 75% | 58% |
36 | 伊利諾伊斯普林菲爾德分校 | University of Illinois,Springfield | $20,517 | 5,137 | 59.8% | 74% | 43% |
36 | 明尼蘇達德盧斯分校 | University of Minnesota,Duluth | $16,467 | 11,241 | 78.2% | 76% | 59% |
39 | 圣弗朗西斯大學 | University of St. Francis | $28,790 | 2,398 | 51.4% | 80% | 57% |
39 | 西伊利諾伊大學 | Western Illinois University | $15,599 | 11,707 | 59.3% | 69% | 56% |
41 | 印第安納安德森大學 | Anderson University | $26,850 | 2,442 | 55.5% | 74% | 57% |
41 | 卡羅爾大學 | Carroll University | $28,550 | 3,534 | 81.1% | 77% | 57% |
41 | 底特律慈悲大學 | University of Detroit Mercy | $37,320 | 5,112 | 61.9% | 81% | 57% |
44 | 密歇根阿奎那學院 | Aquinas College | $27,726 | 1,983 | 71.0% | 76% | 58% |
44 | 貝克大學 | Baker University | $26,290 | 942 | 87.7% | 78% | 52% |
44 | 加利福尼亞協(xié)和大學 | Concordia University | $25,950 | 2,206 | 71.5% | 77% | 64% |
47 | 南伊利諾伊大學愛德華茲維爾分校 | Southern Illinois University,Edwardsville | $20,682 | 13,850 | 84.2% | 71% | 50% |
48 | 威斯康辛大學白水分校 | University of Wisconsin,Whitewater | $15,151 | 12,027 | 69.9% | 78% | 55% |
49 | 海德堡大學(美國) | Heidelberg University | $27,480 | 1,422 | 73.9% | 62% | 51% |
49 | 奧利弗拿撒勒大學 | Olivet Nazarene University | $31,390 | 4,579 | 78.8% | 75% | 57% |
49 | 春木大學 | Spring Arbor University | $24,350 | 3,961 | 65.1% | 74% | 57% |
49 | 圣澤維爾大學 | St. Xavier University | $30,100 | 4,252 | 79.3% | 72% | 47% |
49 | 芬德雷大學 | University of Findlay | $30,640 | 4,880 | 65.7% | 77% | 56% |
54 | 費里斯州立大學 | Ferris State University | $16,467 | 14,707 | 75.9% | 73% | 54% |
54 | 勞倫斯科技大學 | Lawrence Technological University | $30,200 | 4,002 | 57.6% | 78% | 44% |
54 | 馬龍大學 | Malone University | $26,416 | 2,096 | 71.8% | 69% | 59% |
54 | 北園大學 | North Park University | $24,540 | 3,136 | 52.3% | 74% | 56% |
54 | 內(nèi)布拉斯加大學科爾尼分校 | University of Nebraska,Kearney | $12,742 | 7,052 | 84.9% | 79% | 53% |
54 | 威斯康辛大學史蒂文斯波因特分校 | University of Wisconsin,Stevens Point | $15,215 | 9,642 | 80.3% | 81% | 58% |
54 | 烏爾蘇拉學院 | Ursuline College | $27,690 | 1,357 | 57.8% | 68% | 50% |
61 | 威斯康辛協(xié)和大學 | Concordia University Wisconsin | $26,190 | 7,943 | 69.9% | 75% | 56% |
61 | 蒙特圣約瑟芬大學 | Mount St. Joseph University | $26,850 | 2,326 | 87.8% | 71% | 57% |
61 | 馬斯京根大學 | Muskingum University | $24,826 | 2,154 | 76.0% | 69% | 48% |
61 | 薇諾娜州立大學 | Winona State University | $14,250 | 8,755 | 60.8% | 78% | 56% |
65 | 威斯康辛大學斯圖特分校 | University of Wisconsin,Stout | $16,771 | 9,286 | 82.4% | 72% | 54% |
65 | 沃爾什大學 | Walsh University | $26,670 | 2,963 | 77.1% | 75% | 55% |
67 | 密蘇里州立大學 | Missouri State University | $13,668 | 21,271 | 85.3% | 75% | 53% |
67 | 芒特弗農(nóng)拿撒勒大學 | Mount Vernon Nazarene University | $23,690 | 2,229 | 63.6% | 74% | 60% |
69 | 阿爾弗諾學院 | Alverno College | $24,434 | 2,536 | 78.9% | 71% | 39% |
69 | 圣瑪麗學院 | College of St. Mary | $27,984 | 970 | 54.5% | 68% | 42% |
69 | 麥肯德里大學 | McKendree University | $26,900 | 3,027 | 62.9% | 78% | 48% |
69 | 明尼蘇達州立大學曼凱托分校 | Minnesota State University,Mankato | $15,010 | 15,426 | 65.6% | 74% | 49% |
69 | 昆西大學 | Quincy University | $26,572 | 1,455 | 88.6% | 71% | 50% |
69 | 圣弗朗西斯大學 | University of St. Francis | $25,930 | 2,381 | 96.8% | 71% | 57% |
69 | 威斯康辛大學奧史科什分校 | University of Wisconsin,Oshkosh | $15,016 | 13,720 | 66.7% | 76% | 54% |
69 | 威斯康辛大學河瀑分校 | University of Wisconsin,River Falls | $15,324 | 6,173 | 72.6% | 72% | 52% |
77 | 芝加哥協(xié)和大學 | Concordia University Chicago | $28,908 | 5,286 | 54.4% | 66% | 53% |
77 | 東密歇根大學 | Eastern Michigan University | $25,614 | 23,317 | 61.1% | 75% | 38% |
77 | 威斯康辛大學綠灣分校 | University of Wisconsin,Green Bay | $15,249 | 6,667 | 66.1% | 73% | 46% |
80 | 達科他州立大學 | Dakota State University | $10,286 | 3,129 | 83.0% | 65% | 49% |
80 | 西北密蘇里州立大學 | Northwest Missouri State University | $14,407 | 6,485 | 73.2% | 67% | 48% |
80 | 賓夕法尼亞羅伯特莫里斯大學 | Robert Morris University | $23,700 | 3,233 | 21.0% | 49% | 46% |
80 | 威斯康辛大學普拉特維爾大學 | University of Wisconsin,Platteville | $15,064 | 8,505 | 79.3% | 76% | 52% |
84 | 麥當娜大學 | Madonna University | $17,390 | 4,411 | 62.1% | 82% | 56% |
84 | 俄亥俄多米尼加大學 | Ohio Dominican University | $28,932 | 2,573 | 49.4% | 65% | 42% |
84 | 匹茲堡州立大學 | Pittsburg State University | $16,336 | 7,400 | 79.0% | 72% | 46% |
84 | 羅克福德大學 | Rockford University | $27,500 | 1,241 | 41.0% | 64% | 50% |
84 | 西南學院 | Southwestern College | $24,835 | 1,661 | 89.7% | 63% | 53% |
84 | 中央密蘇里大學 | University of Central Missouri | $13,659 | 12,513 | 80.8% | 68% | 53% |
84 | 韋恩州立學院 | Wayne State College | $9,804 | 3,506 | 100.0% | 67% | 46% |
91 | 蒙特瑪麗大學 | Mount Mary University | $25,852 | 1,481 | 54.0% | 67% | 41% |
91 | 北密歇根大學 | Northern Michigan University | $14,400 | N/A | 67.8% | 72% | 49% |
91 | 羅斯福大學 | Roosevelt University | $26,900 | 6,145 | 78.8% | 60% | 42% |
91 | 沃西本恩大學 | Washburn University | $13,526 | 6,973 | 98.2% | 65% | 37% |
95 | 林登伍德大學 | Lindenwood University | $15,580 | 12,213 | 66.3% | 72% | 45% |
95 | 威斯康辛瑪麗安大學 | Marian University | $25,630 | 2,188 | 75.6% | 68% | 49% |
95 | 東南密蘇里州立大學 | Southeast Missouri State University | $12,270 | 11,917 | 87.5% | 72% | 49% |
95 | 威廉伍茲大學 | William Woods University | $21,260 | 2,106 | 78.0% | 73% | 56% |
99 | 伯米吉州立大學 | Bemidji State University | $8,134 | 4,952 | 66.8% | 69% | 48% |
99 | 圣克勞德州立大學 | St. Cloud State University | $15,156 | 16,245 | 82.2% | 71% | 47% |
99 | 密歇根大學弗林特分校 | University of Michigan,Flint | $19,360 | 8,555 | 78.1% | 74% | 38% |
99 | 威斯康辛大學蘇必略分校 | University of Wisconsin,Superior | $15,567 | 2,656 | 66.5% | 69% | 41% |
103 | 恩波利亞州立大學 | Emporia State University | $17,896 | 6,033 | 60.7% | 71% | 41% |
103 | 雅園大學 | Graceland University | $24,920 | 2,283 | 50.2% | 68% | 47% |
105 | 奧克蘭城市大學 | Oakland City University | $19,200 | 2,418 | 72.9% | 75% | 52% |
106 | 圣保羅協(xié)和大學 | Concordia University,St. Paul | $20,250 | 3,632 | 53.4% | 69% | 46% |
106 | 明尼蘇達州立大學穆爾黑德分校 | Minnesota State University,Moorhead | $14,736 | 6,624 | 89.1% | 67% | 46% |
106 | 邁諾特州立大學 | Minot State University | $6,224 | 3,533 | 56.6% | 67% | 37% |
109 | 佛恩特波恩大學 | Fontbonne University | $22,684 | 1,997 | 65.2% | 71% | 41% |
109 | 愛荷華上州大學 | Upper Iowa University | $26,834 | 5,304 | 58.2% | 64% | 40% |
109 | 維泰博大學 | Viterbo University | $23,330 | N/A | 70.6% | 76% | 51% |
RNP | 震旦大學 | Aurora University | $20,720 | N/A | 76.0% | 70% | 50% |
RNP | 阿維拉大學 | Avila University | $24,950 | N/A | 61.1% | 66% | 45% |
RNP | 布萊克山州立大學 | Black Hills State University | $9,617 | N/A | 89.2% | 61% | 32% |
RNP | 卡魯梅特圣約瑟夫?qū)W院 | Calumet College of St. Joseph | $16,440 | 1,140 | 40.0% | 57% | 34% |
RNP | 芝加哥州立大學 | Chicago State University | $20,096 | 5,701 | 28.7% | 55% | 21% |
RNP | 芝加哥哥倫比亞學院 | Columbia College Chicago | $22,792 | N/A | 90.5% | 63% | 41% |
RNP | 基石大學 | Cornerstone University | $25,682 | 2,809 | 68.1% | 76% | 43% |
RNP | 達文波特大學 | Davenport University | $14,066 | 9,591 | 91.7% | 79% | 42% |
RNP | 德銳大學 | DeVry University | $17,132 | 64,963 | N/A | N/A | 31% |
RNP | 海斯堡州立大學 | Fort Hays State University | $13,159 | 13,441 | 89.2% | 68% | 40% |
RNP | 弗雷茲大學 | Friends University | $23,430 | N/A | 58.6% | 60% | 29% |
RNP | 西北印第安納大學 | Indiana University Northwest | $18,081 | 6,387 | 76.3% | 67% | 24% |
RNP | 印第安納普渡大學韋恩堡分校 | Indiana University-Purdue University,Fort Wayne | $19,183 | 13,459 | 83.1% | 62% | 25% |
RNP | 印第安納大學南本德分校 | Indiana University,South Bend | $18,081 | 8,073 | 70.0% | 64% | 26% |
RNP | 印第安納大學東南分校 | Indiana University Southeast | $18,081 | 6,733 | 79.5% | 62% | 30% |
RNP | 伊利湖學院 | Lake Erie College | $28,355 | 1,089 | 55.6% | 67% | 46% |
RNP | 雷克蘭學院 | Lakeland College | $22,950 | N/A | 66.2% | 71% | 44% |
RNP | 瑪麗格羅夫?qū)W院 | Marygrove College | $19,850 | 1,960 | 93.8% | 67% | 29% |
RNP | 圣保羅州立都會大學 | Metropolitan State University | $13,227 | N/A | 100.0% | 69% | 30% |
RNP | 美國中部拿撒勒大學 | MidAmerica Nazarene University | $22,290 | N/A | 72.2% | 74% | 48% |
RNP | 密蘇里浸會大學 | Missouri Baptist University | $21,670 | N/A | 57.8% | 65% | 34% |
RNP | 紐曼大學 | Newman University | $24,800 | 3,736 | 44.2% | 71% | 52% |
RNP | 東北伊利諾伊大學 | Northeastern Illinois University | $19,884 | 10,821 | 60.1% | 64% | 20% |
RNP | 帕克大學 | Park University | $10,600 | N/A | 69.3% | 67% | 39% |
RNP | 普渡大學卡魯梅特分校 | Purdue University,Calumet | $16,356 | 9,422 | 75.6% | 69% | 30% |
RNP | 薩吉諾谷州立大學 | Saginaw Valley State University | $20,409 | 10,245 | 78.8% | 69% | 42% |
RNP | 錫耶納高地大學 | Siena Heights University | $22,740 | 2,684 | 67.7% | 64% | 43% |
RNP | 西南浸會大學 | Southwest Baptist University | $20,040 | N/A | 90.2% | 67% | 48% |
RNP | 西南明尼蘇達州立大學 | Southwest Minnesota State University | $8,280 | 6,665 | 65.5% | 68% | 43% |
RNP | 蒂芬大學 | Tiffin University | $21,510 | 4,954 | 59.5% | 66% | 43% |
RNP | 迪比克大學 | University of Dubuque | $25,520 | 2,024 | 77.4% | 69% | 40% |
RNP | 瑪麗大學 | University of Mary | $14,730 | N/A | 83.1% | 71% | 48% |
RNP | 南印第安納大學 | University of Southern Indiana | $16,317 | 9,902 | 69.3% | 68% | 37% |
RNP | 圣瑪麗大學 | University of St. Mary | $23,170 | 1,325 | 47.1% | 60% | 53% |
RNP | 揚斯敦州立大學 | Youngstown State University | $14,317 | 13,374 | 86.5% | 68% | 33% |
Unranked | 美國洲際大學 | American InterContinental University | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Unranked | 安提阿大學 | Antioch University | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Unranked | 阿什福德大學 | Ashford University | $10,312 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 26% |
Unranked | 貝爾維尤大學 | Bellevue University | $7,950 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 31% |
Unranked | 南卡羅來納哥倫比亞學院 | Columbia College | $19,386 | 17,894 | N/A | N/A | 40% |
Unranked | 州長州立大學 | Governors State University | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Unranked | 開普蘭大學 | Kaplan University | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 7% |
Unranked | 林肯大學 | Lincoln University | $13,228 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 22% |
Unranked | 勞德斯大學 | Lourdes University | $17,656 | 2,187 | 69.3% | 60% | 29% |
Unranked | 瑪赫西管理大學 | Maharishi University of Management | $26,430 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 54% |
Unranked | 南達科他美國民族大學 | National American University | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 23% |
Unranked | 秘魯州立學院 | Peru State College | $6,188 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 33% |
Unranked | 格蘭德河大學 | University of Rio Grande | $21,930 | 2,313 | 74.7% | 53% | 26% |